Politicians love forcing through regulations that take away individual’s rights and then expecting the media and electorate to congratulate them on their “bi-partisanship” and their ability to “compromise.” Not to take anything away from what can be accomplished through working together, but when politicians brag about compromise, that means they just worked together to take away your rights.
Further restricting your rights cannot by any measure be called progress, whether being forced through by one party with a majority, or whether being done through a “compromise.” Saying “no” to bills and regulations is not a bad thing and should not be looked down upon. It takes real courage to tell off authority that stands before you, a district, a state, or a nation and to do what is right.
As your state representative, I will never vote, not even one time, in favor of regulation that inhibits your individual rights in any way whatsoever. As your state representative, I will never quietly sit down as other elected officials vote on or “compromise” away your rights. As your state representative, I will hold these politicians accountable for their actions against those they claim to represent.
Compromising away your neighbors and loved one’s rights is not an accomplishment; it is disgraceful, and should be looked upon as such. If we want to work together, we should do so in mutually beneficial interactions, not through coercion and force, where one party gains at the expense of another.